




20.12.2021 – ver 6.8.0
  • Update: Deprecated jQuery removed from the plugin
  • Fix: Button animation works properly on Safari
  • Fix: Image gallery works properly on WordPress 5.8
  • Fix: “Load more” button works properly to load content with Ajax
  • Fix: WPBakery works properly with Layer Slider
  • Fix: Role management for users works properly for the Super Admin role
  • Fix: WPBakery works properly with WPML
  • Fix: WPBakery works properly with ACF
  • Fix: Post grid loading works properly
  • Fix: Post grid categories work properly on mobile
  • Fix: Post grid autoplay works properly
  • Fix: Post grid works properly with ACF
  • Fix: Post grid images full sizes works properly
  • Fix: Scrollbar works properly for Raw HTML
  • Fix: Post grid pagination works properly
  • Fix: Charts work properly in the editor
  • Fix: Update filters for vc_shortcode_content_filter
  • Fix: Empty ACF values are not displayed
  • Fix: Editor loads properly for all user roles
  • Deprecated: Class WPBakeryVisualComposerAbstract will be removed in 6.9.0
06.07.2021 – ver 6.7.0
  • New: Custom breakpoint controls to adjust stacking behavior
  • New: Option to disable animations in Masonry grid added
  • New: Filter for wpb map element settings added
  • New: Filter for changing heading tag added
  • Compatibility: WooCommerce does not generate warnings
  • Fix: Lightbox image filenames are correct
  • Fix: Jump for “vclink” removed
  • Fix: Owl carousel does not mix content
  • Fix: Initial value on attributes work properly
  • Fix: URLs updated to https
  • Fix: Case sensitive single image size updated
22.02.2021 – ver 6.6.0
  • New: prettyPhoto removed and Lightbox2 added to the plugin (prettyPhoto will stay for backward compatibility)
  • New: Call to Action element allows to align titles and select tags
  • New: FlexSlider updated to 2.7.2 version and RTL support improved in WooCommerce products
  • Update: $post variable added to the grid items filter ‘vc_gitem_post_data_get_link_real_title’
  • Update: Catalan translation added
  • Fix: Frontend editor initialization works properly
  • Fix: Drag and drop for section element works properly in the backend editor
  • Fix: WPBakery button in the Gutenberg editor works properly
  • Fix: Request element parameters are passed properly in the edit form
16.12.2020 – ver 6.5.0
  • Update: Compatibility with WordPress 5.6
  • Update: Compatibility with PHP8
  • Fix: Template saving works properly
  • Fix: Super admin editor access in multisite works properly
  • Fix: setPost() method do_action_ref_array passes arguments correctly
  • Fix: Modify with selected grid template loads properly
  • Fix: Edit with WPBakery in Gutenberg control appears correctly
  • Fix: Edit form loading spinner displayed correctly
17.11.2020 – ver 6.4.2
  • Fix: WooCommerce 4.7 compatibility issues resolved
24.09.2020 – ver 6.4.1
  • Fix: Role manager unfiltered html access improved
  • Fix: Role manager Frontend editor access improved
  • Update: German translation updated
11.09.2020 – ver 6.4.0
  • New: Rank Math SEO compatibility introduced
  • New: Option to exclude categories in the loop parameters
  • New: Option to ignore sticky posts in the loop parameters
  • Update: jquery updated to jquery-core
  • Update: show_in_rest is checked for Gutenberg compatibility
  • Update: setTitle allows HTML entities
  • Update: Role manager access improved for WordPress user roles
  • Fix: Multisite setup works properly for super admin user role
  • Fix: Yoast SEO latest version is fully compatible with the editor
  • Fix: Autocomplete works properly
21.08.2020 – ver 6.3.0
  • Added: Role manager for unfiltered_html available
  • Update: Filter for screen sizes in the navigation bar
  • Update: Trigger event to prepare tab content
  • Update: Description for the limit in WooCommerce shortcodes
  • Update: LiteSpeed cache compatibility updated
  • Update: Flickr element render API
  • Update: HTML for image captions enabled
  • Fix: Posts grid elements with “load more” option animates properly
  • Fix: Dependency for not_empty in vc_link attribute type
  • Fix: Target blank link selector
  • Fix: Entity characters in french language
  • Fix: Class vc_tta-o-non-responsive on parent nodes
  • Fix: Undo/redo content disappearing with edit-only access
20.04.2020 – ver 6.2.0
  • Update: Performance improvements for the editor
  • Update: Filter for ajax grid rendering added
  • Update: Filters for post_custom_css and shortcodes_custom_css added
  • Update: NL translation added for the plugin
  • Update: BR translation added for the plugin
  • Update: Standards and code styles updated
  • Update: Classic and Gutenberg editor toggle updated
  • Update: Portrait video support added
  • Compatibility: Rank Math SEO compatibility improved
  • Fix: Ajax add to cart works properly
  • Fix: Plugin update works properly with multi-language version
  • Fix: Sorted_list attribute works properly
  • Fix: Shop Manager role works properly with the plugin
  • Fix: Post id works properly in the preview mode
  • Fix: Loading configuration works properly
  • Fix: Order by post works properly
  • Fix: oEmbed works properly in text blocks
  • Fix: addShortcodesCustomCss works properly
13.12.2019 – ver 6.1.0
  • Added: Catalan, Ukrainian, Hungarian translations
  • Update: WordPress 5.3 Compatibility
  • Update: FontAwesome update to 5.10.2
  • Update: loop attribute not found rows and order by relevance
  • Update: PrettyPhoto https support
  • Fix: RTL controls on the backend
  • Fix: RTL column reverse
  • Fix: Disabled post revisions design options
  • Fix: Save row/section as a template
  • Fix: HoverBox improvements
  • Remove: IE9 support
17.07.2019 – ver 6.0.5
  • Fix: LESS vendor folder available
  • Fix: All Media in Text Block works properly
15.07.2019 – ver 6.0.4
  • Fix: Element API works properly for 3rd party elements
  • Fix: Post grid filter displayed properly
  • Fix: Custom CSS editor does not remove “\”
  • Fix: Directory name typo for Instagram filter files corrected
  • Fix: Templates import API does work correctly
  • Fix: Row design options settings for elements in templates works properly
  • Fix: WooCommerce cart element works properly
  • Fix: Option “Save as a template” for a row is available
  • Fix: Elements edit form displayed correctly
  • Fix: Warning message for PHP function `htmlspecialchars`
  • Fix: Custom post types taxonomies work in Post Grid element
  • Fix: Revolution Slider output content properly
31.05.2019 – ver 6.0.3
  • Update: Init action priority is changed from 9 to 11
  • Update: Allow return in shortcode templates
  • Update: Coding standards improvements
  • Fix: Param Group clone
  • Fix: Checkbox value display in the edit form
  • Fix: Loop attribute tax_query render
  • Fix: Attach image typo
  • Fix: Removed notice when shortcode template file missing
  • Fix: Map meta cap warning on custom post types
17.05.2019 – ver 6.0.2
  • Fix: Container elements controls in Backend Editor
  • Fix: Tour element class error
15.05.2019 – ver 6.0
  • Update: Compliance with coding standards
  • Update: jQuery Waypoints update to the latest version
  • Update: Fallback for previews added
  • Fix: Pageable container autoplay
  • Fix: Hover box does not flip on iOS devices
  • Fix: Responsive media queries work properly
  • Fix: WooCommerce products pages in preview mode
  • Fix: Data source for Post Grid works with correct taxonomies
  • Fix: Design options for elements work in preview mode
  • Fix: The Editor got broken after adding many images
  • Fix: The posts source got broken in Post Grid after importing data
13.02.2019 – ver 5.7
  • Update: Compatibility with PHP 7.3
  • Fix: WooCommerce corrected editable role
  • Fix: Page preview styles independent from view page