




Installation Guide

  1. Once you download the plugin using the download link, go to Plugin-> Add New menu in your dashboard and click on the ‘Upload’ tab. Choose the ‘’ file to be uploaded and click on ‘Install Now’.
  2. After the plugin has installed successfully, click on the Activate Plugin link or activate the plugin from your Plugins page.
  3. Alternately, you can upload the plugin manually, by unzipping the downloaded plugin file, and adding the plugin folder to wp-content/plugins on your server, using an FTP client of your choice.

User Guide

Upon installing and activating the Content Cloner extension for LearnDash, you should notice a ‘Clone’ option under every Course in LearnDash admin settings.

How to Clone a LearnDash Course

In your WordPress admin panel, go to LearnDash LMS -> Courses. The list of courses on your LMS should be displayed. Upon hovering over a course name, you should notice a ‘Clone Course’ option.